Wow, what’s going on with writing an actual post? Memorial weekend is upon me, so, if you cared, I probably won’t get a “real” post done until Monday, but whatever, I digress.
Here’s what I’ve been saturating my eardrums with this week…
As is requisite with all Om songs, you must be patient and allow the song to slowly build as you become more and more entranced by the slow repetitions. The crescendo in this song is well worth the wait.
Here’s a great tension-release themed post-rock band. I just got Yes I Am, the 2007 pg.lost release that you can download for free from
For you Mazzy Star fans, here’s Hope Sandoval’s latest offering. “For the Rest of Your Life” takes on psychedelic, repetitive themes that make this song the standout track on the album.
This guys have captured the essence of classic blues rock, while giving the form an injection of modern ingenuity and fervor. On “No Good Woman,” we get a track that opens with classic blues riffs, that slowly escalates to wah and distortion soaked madness.