It’s been a busy, busy past two weeks, and I am finally back to share a little music. Hopefully I’ll get a post with some substance in it written and posted here soon–I’ve got a Bakhtin one in progress now.
I’m not sure how to best describe this band. The music’s kinda shoegazy, kinda psychedelic, and mostly interesting to listen to. I like to throw it on at night while I’m reading. Check out this guy’s site for free albums and crazy cool artwork.
Conan play a heavy and slow brand of doom akin to YOB. You really have to have a good speaker system to fully appreciate these guys’ range.
I enjoyed their last album Friend and Foe, but Mines is absolutely excellent.
Goatsnake – 1
Yes, I know this is a bit of an oldie, but for some reason I wanted to get some sludgy doom up in my blood.